Object Oriented PHP Tutorial in PDF
I’ve had several people request that the article on object oriented PHP be made into a PDF for offline viewing.
Well … here you go: oop php pdf
The PDF also contains links to the accompanying videos.
Stefan Mischook
Awesome introduction to OOP PHP Stefan, I hope you take it further.
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Nice one, but you wrote about 3 different types of variables, it can be public, private, protected and final!
“Nice one, but you wrote about 3 different types of variables, it can be public, private, protected and final!”
I know, but I am always trying to balance being complete with not wanting to throw too much at the person new to object oriented concepts.
Thanks for the comments.
I think I’m an intermediate PHP coder, but I just could not understand OOD /classes and how to manipulate, you brought some light.
Keep the good work