What are PHP Web Frameworks?

October 25, 2014
Posted in Web Development


This is a video (see below) targeted at those who understand basic PHP and are ready to explore the web development world a little further. You see, when you get into PHP, you will also have to learn about the client-side frameworks out there, things like jQuery and Bootstrap.

… PHP afterall, is typically used to create dynamic web pages filled with HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3 and JavaScript. So that means you need to learn how to code in those languages as well. Fortunately if you know PHP, it shouldn’t be too hard to wrap your head around them.

What are Web Frameworks?

Think of a framework for a house, scaffolding … or cookie cutters! Web frameworks are just libraries of code (could be code in any language) that speed up the process of doing all kinds of common web design and development tasks.

Anyway, watch my video to learn more:

Stefan Mischook


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