Why I will NEVER touch Java again.
Some of you know that once upon a time, I was a big Java programmer … I loved Java! But that was a long time ago and I will never go back. I left Java because it became a big bloated monster, as the effects of corporate design-by-committee took hold.
… When that happens, it is the death of anything really!
Actually, I can quickly summarize why I left Java for PHP … first the Java code:
public class verbosity {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("This sucks because it takes too many lines of code!");
Now the same thing with PHP:
echo"OMG! One line of code! One line ...";
Yes, PHP is a little bit more verbose OOP style .. but I am just making a point that Java is very verbose.
Enough said.
Stefan Mischook